Wednesday, February 11, 2009

365 一字排開 輕鬆簡易節目表

365 時間表終於在千呼萬喚下出來了﹗


Anonymous said...

Could I know which class is suitable for beginner?

Anonymous said...

how about tomorrow and sunday time table? why only chinese name? who is all these teacher?

瑜珈365 特工队 said...


瑜珈365 特工队 said...

Dear Riaana,

Thanks for your support to yoga365,
the saturday and sunday timetable will be uploaded later of this evening. We apologize for any inconvenineces caused.

yoga 365@kepong will only practice Chinese language communicaition as the direction of yoga365 is to establish the one-and-only Chinese Language yoga establishment worldwide.

However, you are always welcomed to enquire from our friendly personnel in English, we are more than happy to assist you in anyway we can.

Thanking youn in advance.